If you read my last post, then you have been waiting a good long time now for that promised opportunity to part with your dollars and fork em over to JUST GIMME INDIE ROCK! Well the wait is over, you can start giving now! As your humble host says in our KICKSTARTER.COM pitch video: "Give till it hurts, and spread the pain across Twitter, Facebook, and all the rest!" See that video, read our plea, give and share at www.indierockmovie.com
Kickstarter is a fan funding site open to all creative projects, not just films, and it's quickly becoming as ubiquitous as google is for search or youtube for video. Its a wonderland of innovation and ideas that draws millions of altruistic "fans" to their site just for a chance to donate a few dollars and see the projects they love become a reality. We are very excited to be part of what they have going on, it is a perfect representation of the indie/ DIY ideal, and a perfect fit for JUST GIMME INDIE ROCK! If you're not familiar with Kickstarter or fan funding their site explains it way better than I can, just check out their FAQs or click around and it becomes apparent really fast how it works. We hope you will give, but just as important, we hope you will spread the word as far and wide as you can. The more places people can learn about JUST GIMME INDIE ROCK! and our Kickstarter.com campaign for fan funding, the more likely we will get the money we need to make the documentary of our generation a reality!
I just launched today, May 25th and we are starting to email our friends, family, and colleagues. We hope to hit some kind of momentum in the next few weeks, and of course, the idea is to go insanely viral before our campaign is up. Ill be blogging about our progress, thanks for your interest, and as always, we appreciate your thoughts, ideas, replies here at indierockdoc.com- they will ultimately help shape the future of indie rock history...
Kickstarter is a fan funding site open to all creative projects, not just films, and it's quickly becoming as ubiquitous as google is for search or youtube for video. Its a wonderland of innovation and ideas that draws millions of altruistic "fans" to their site just for a chance to donate a few dollars and see the projects they love become a reality. We are very excited to be part of what they have going on, it is a perfect representation of the indie/ DIY ideal, and a perfect fit for JUST GIMME INDIE ROCK! If you're not familiar with Kickstarter or fan funding their site explains it way better than I can, just check out their FAQs or click around and it becomes apparent really fast how it works. We hope you will give, but just as important, we hope you will spread the word as far and wide as you can. The more places people can learn about JUST GIMME INDIE ROCK! and our Kickstarter.com campaign for fan funding, the more likely we will get the money we need to make the documentary of our generation a reality!
I just launched today, May 25th and we are starting to email our friends, family, and colleagues. We hope to hit some kind of momentum in the next few weeks, and of course, the idea is to go insanely viral before our campaign is up. Ill be blogging about our progress, thanks for your interest, and as always, we appreciate your thoughts, ideas, replies here at indierockdoc.com- they will ultimately help shape the future of indie rock history...